
You're the humble worker of a pottery shop, molding new figures of mud as you meet new people.

Threre are some out there who you will struggle with, and some don't, but you decided you gotta try your best to satisfy them!

But it's dumb when you realize the molding you're making it's illusory to yourself wanting to be liked by others... Have fun with your oblivious desire of being loved!


p - (start game / pause on gameplay) (Screen buttons yet to be added)

q - (Pellagofio mode on start :))

g - (gameover Screen)

c - (Credits (In Spanish though u.u))

w - (Win screen (yet to exist, replaced with Credits Screen))

Esc - (Pause, on gameplay)

Enter - Evaluate Shape Now

1-6 - (Keyboard keys to quickly adjust pointer size)

Development log